Someone at work is trying to find homes for these kittens. A stray mom turned up at her house and now she has these beautiful little baby girls... who are sleeping on a trashcan lid. We can't have that now can we?!
Since I can't figure out how to work this 'blog' thing, I'm commenting as "Anonymous". I love your blog! What a neat idea. Now I can keep up with you everyday! Even when you won't answer my emails! LOL Happy Bunny is too funny....But I double-dog-dare you to post on there the one you sent ME a while back! LOL You know the one...."good morning....." Kiss my grandkitties for me! Love you! YoMamma
Since I can't figure out how to work this 'blog' thing, I'm commenting as "Anonymous". I love your blog! What a neat idea. Now I can keep up with you everyday! Even when you won't answer my emails! LOL Happy Bunny is too funny....But I double-dog-dare you to post on there the one you sent ME a while back! LOL You know the one...."good morning....."
Kiss my grandkitties for me!
Love you!
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