
A new hat for our house

Originally uploaded by jasclo.
My dad came, he saw our roof problem and he kicked its butt! Woohoo! There was STUFF growing up there. Like TREES!! And a vine. I still have to take photos of the finished product. But you can really see the difference here. (He worked his way up to the peak.) It looks fabulous. (Dad says the tiny piece of plastic stinking to one of the shingles will blow away. I hope so because it's driving me INSANE. I'll have to get a shot of that when it's not raining -- which it has been all day and will continue to do tomorrow. Unless of course, it blows off between now and then. Which would be great.)

He also put up new porch lights for us. (photos to come) and will be adding some guttering so that when we walk up the front steps in the rain, we won't get massively dripped on because all the rain falls right onto the steps. You really just have to see it. And very few of the houses in our neighborhood have guttering. WHAT is up with that?! We have no idea.


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