
You might have to pry the paintbrush from my hand I decided to paint the vanity cabinet in our master bathroom. I'd been considering it -- and colors -- for a while now. But yesterday, I took the plunge and applied the primer. There's no turning back now. Except. After I put on the first coat of paint, I didn't like it. But I'd thought it out so well! I left the room for a while to let the paint dry and I figured when I came back, it would be better. But it wasn't. I still don't like it. It's just too... wrong. Yesterday, when David and I were making the final decision with the paint chips, I had a thought about using a color we aleady have in the house on the cabinet. (I'm not saying where right now. It's called suspense!) We both liked the idea, but dismissed it. Why did we do that? That was dumb. I think that was the right color. So now I'm repainting it. Is it called repainting when you just painted it an hour ago? Well, first I suppose I should let the wrong color dry and then sand it before putting on the right color. What's that you're asking? What if the right color turns out to be wrong too? Well, that's OK see, because it's just paint. And if we hate it, we can always just buy a new vanity, which I'd love to do. I just wanted to try to salvage the existing one first. Either way I'm going to win at this game. Don't you laugh. I am going to win! I should have taken a before photo. I usually do. But. Well. I forgot, OK!? Gosh.


Blogger Jasclo said...

Thanks for your support there, mother.

It's going to look fabulous, I tell you. In fact, it already does!

Now who wins?! :)

5/29/2005 10:25:00 AM  

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