
Batting 1,000 (or whatever isn't very good) After my interior design classes, the teacher decided she wanted to keep the group going. So we're helping her with a real project -- an addition to a historic house that her cousin owns. Last night, I go to the meeting spot and I'm just sitting there waiting. And waiting. And no one shows up. What the hell is going on, I wondered. I waited 15 minutes and then I left. I'd already been sad that I had the meeting that night because it'd been a long week and it was my only day to spend with David. Plus, a Cheeburger Cheeburger just opened near us (yay frings! but only once in a while, of course) and we really wanted to go with Chrissy and Tom (of Abigail and Griffin fame), but I could only go late(ish) and you know... with kids, they have bath times and bed times to contend with. So I was totally bummed when I got home and 1. David wasn't here and 2. I went back and reread the email more closely this time and the meeting is next Monday. BOO HOO. We could have had dinner with the Buntings after all. ACK. I've learned a couple things from this: 1. Coupled with Friday's trouble, we probably should finally reconsider the cell-phone situation. (Yes, Nabbalicious. I know! I know!) We had one years ago (when we had only one car), but neither of us really likes the phone anyway, so to carry one around with us isn't that exciting. But it sure would save us some hassle. 2. I really should read things more carefully.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Humph. If you're so pro-cellphone, Nabbalicious, why didn't you call me when you were lost in DC?? :)

~ Arwen

5/18/2005 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh -- and J, batting 1,000 is very good. (I will talk way too much about this if I'm not careful, but basically If you get 10 hits out of 10 at-bats, you are 10 for 10, or 1.000, which is where this term comes from.) I think in baseball metaphor-ese you'd be at two strikes. Or batting, um, zero. :)
~ Arwen, again.

5/18/2005 10:57:00 AM  

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