
A wine-tastic mystery Christmas morning, we got up early, opened our gifts to each other, showered, dressed and packed and headed off for a whirlwind family visitation. Our first stop was (are you ready for this?) my dad's girlfriend's daughter's house. Wow, that wasn't so hard was it? OK. Anyway... my dad's girlfriend showed me this bottle of Italian red wine she'd gotten from work. A $200 bottle of wine, she said. Let's open it, she said. Whoa! Hold on! Maybe we shouldn't open it. The air around me tingled. What if it would be worth thousands in a couple of years? I was dying. But I'd given her a wine book as a gift, so we tried to look it up. Nothing. She said they'd looked it up on the Internet and it really was worth that much. She opened it. We tasted it. She doesn't like red wine. I thought it was pretty yummy and it hadn't even breathed. No one else really liked it either. So she sent it with me. I have half the bottle sitting in the kitchen. I've been trying to find it online and unless I've goofed somehow, it seems that it's really $35. Anyone know differently? I'm going to save the label just in case. Also, I guess I should probably drink the wine sometime before it goes bad. They also had a bottle of Cristal in the fridge that someone brought. I'll make this one easy on you. The girl's house we were at? Her boyfriend/fiancee's (I'm not really clear on that) brother brought it. He's a Broadway actor and his director gave him the bottle. They opened it way after we left though. Sigh. Ah well. I don't really like champagne that much anyway.


Blogger Genevieve said...

I don't really like champagne all that much either, but good dry champagne? whole 'nother story. just ask the people I met in France this summer at a wedding -- they only met drunk Genevieve. (the groom's parents make their own, and it was seriously delicious. and seriously free-flowing)

12/31/2005 11:37:00 AM  
Blogger Jasclo said...

Aww, Gen, now I'm sad again. Darn it! Sigh. And of COURSE they make their own champagne, they're French for God's sakes. Haha! ;)

12/31/2005 11:41:00 AM  

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