
Last night Mike and I went out for coffee during a break at work. I had the radio tuned to an all-Christmas station. He winced and then started making fun. So I changed it like any good friend would. Later we were talking about the lack of good stations around and he said he just listens to NPR all the time now. That's great, I told him, but I always seem to miss all the good programming and only tune in when it's classical music. And I turned it there to demonstrate. AND THEY WERE TALKING. That never happens. So anyway, when I left work, the radio was already on NPR. I turned on the car and what comes on? CLASSICAL MUSIC. Now, when I was younger, I liked to think that I liked classical music. But I really didn't. Last night though, Pachelbel was playing. Canon in D was played at my wedding. So I listened to it. And then came a rendition of a Christmas song (YAY!). I left the station on the whole way home. So huh. Maybe I do like classical music after all. Which means I must be officially old.


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