
"Did you back up your work?" That's what people are asking me when I tell them our hard drive crashed. As in we lost everything. David's artwork. All our photos. Everything. And no. We didn't have a lot of it backed up. Do people even do that anymore? It's like some secret ritual people do. "So what did you do this weekend?" "I backed up my work!" Riiiight. I have never once had this conversation with anyone. I'm feeling a little like Carrie Bradshaw when her computer "sad MACed." I wanted to wrap it in a pashmina and hand it to some loving Apple Doctor and say, "fix her." (But it's technically David's computer so perhaps it's a he.) Anyway, I'm impressed that David has us pretty much up and running. But everything looks different and I'm finding that hard to get used to seeing as I don't like change. Especially not font changes.


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