
Mine! MINE!! Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine! Yesterday I went went to an antique shop looking for a dresser for my living room to use as a DVD holder. I took my tape measure and a DVD to make sure it would fit the space I had in mind and that DVDs would fit in the drawers. I pretty much struck out on the dresser front. Everything was either too wide, too tall or the drawers weren't deep enough. But in the waaaay back of the store, I found this black bench that would be great in our guest room at the end of the bed. I figured I'd think about it and come back the next day (today). See, I have this policy. I rarely buy anything the same day I see it. I need a cooling-off period and time to ponder if it's the right thing. I really liked the bench. And the price was very reasonable: $55. Actually, I thought that was cheap. As I was walking back to my car I remembered my phone had a camera. But eh. I can remember what it looked like. I dragged David back over there today to see the bench and probably buy it. I was relieved to see it was still there. But then I noticed the hold sign on it. Noooooooooooo! I WANTED IT! Sigh. And here's where my policy kind of craps out on me. It can cause some real heartbreaks and "GOD! I should have gotten it"s. It's happened to me at that very store before. When will I learn? From now on, I too will make use of the hold tag. Meanwhile I saw a dresser that I thought would work. I must have missed it yesterday. Me: Oooh, I like this. It needs to be painted, though. (It was already painted, but someone had stenciled on half a doiley on the second drawer. WHY. So it looked like a doiley was hanging out of one of the drawers. I just didn't get it but whatever.) David: No, that looks too wide. That's probably 40 inches. Me: No it doesn't. It looks fine! It just needs to be less than 37. But I forgot the measuring tape. Maybe they have one up front. (They did) I measured. It was 40 inches. I hate it when he's so right. David: What is it? Me: It's mpfhumhff. David: It's 40 insn't it? Me: Yes. Shut up. He smirked. Smugly, I think. I took the measuring tape back to the front and then asked exactly what a hold sticker means. The person has 24 hours (from yesterday) to come get that bench or LOSE IT TO ME. Because now my name's on it too. I haven't heard from the store yet, but I'm praying that I do. Wish me luck! I might go call now. They're probably closed. Sigh.


Blogger Jasclo said...

I sure didn't. But you'd like it. I have a feeling I'll be bringing it home. Tomorrow. Mwahahahaha.

I hope so anyway!

9/18/2005 08:30:00 PM  
Blogger Jasclo said...

Mwahahahaha. The bench is mine. We're going to get it now. Suckas.

9/19/2005 10:00:00 AM  

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