
The Rorschach test Monday morning, I opened my eyes and find David standing over me. "Honey." "Hmm?" He had an appointment at 7:30 for a check-up for his truck. Yes, that's a.m. "I have to go, but I needed to show you something first." "What's wrong?," I asked as I shook myself awake a little more. He pointed to his side of the bed. "Look." I looked. I saw nothing. Then I looked down. And I saw this: ink stain "What happened?!" "I fell asleep with a pen in my hand. I'm sorry. I'll buy you new sheets." You may remember all this business with the bedding. Look here and here's the photo of David sleeping among the flowers. I couldn't go back to sleep after he left, so I just read. Then I couldn't take it any more. Those ink blots were just sitting there staring at me. I peeled back the sheet to see if it had gone through to the mattress cover. Yep. Then I panicked and pulled that back to see if the mattress was stained. Nope. Whew. I read until David came back. Then we talked about the stains. I told him they were like a Rorschach test and they said "I really hate these sheets." There are after all, five dots. David put his index finger at the beginning of the long smear and started to trace the line as he said "a laaahhhhht." But that doesn't get him out of buying me new ones. "What were you doing with a pen anyway? I thought you were reading." "I was. I was trying to do the quiz in EW." "You were writing in the answers? I wanted to see if I knew any of them." "Relax. I only got to No. 2 before I fell asleep." "Oh. Well, still. No more pens for you in bed."


Blogger Genevieve said...

oh, those quizes in EW are hard! I can usually only answer 2 questions anyway.

4/12/2006 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your sheets might be salvageable. It's a bit of work, but you can try using rubbing alcohol (or hair spray, also alcohol-based,) as follows:

First, dab the stain with a wet sponge until no more ink lifts off that way. Then douse with alcohol or hairspray and blot between two paper towels -- moving to clean spots on the towels with each blot. (And you might need to reapply alcohol and reblot a couple times.) This SHOULD pretty much eliminate the stain. Then apply some kind of stain remover such as Shout or what have you to counter the alcohol/spray, and wash in warm water. Sniff before you put it in the dryer -- you might want to run it through two wash cycles to get out all the alcohol.

4/12/2006 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww. Poor David. Will you really get the exact same sheets? So funny.

Also, take out the prompts if you don't want to answer the questions, lady! (In the sidebar.) I finally had to get rid of mine. TOO MUCH, said I.

4/12/2006 10:41:00 AM  
Blogger Stefanie said...

Last year, when I decided it was time for new bedding, I went pretty girly, thinking "Maybe some day I will live with a boy and I won't be able to have lavendar walls and a floral duvet cover." Thank you for showing you can live with a boy and still have pink. Of course, the way things are going, this is something I will never actually need to worry about, but oh well.

4/13/2006 11:36:00 AM  

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