
My poor, sick baby

the stinky man Originally uploaded by jasclo.

My Jasper is sick! SOB. We took him to the vet yesterday because he kept getting sick and pretty much lazing around. I'll spare you the finer details... let's just say we knew there was something wrong with him. We suspect that he may have eaten a Stargazer Lily petal. So now, he's on a feeding schedule for the next few days. He had to have nothing for 24 hours and now he can have 1 tb. of a perscription food every 4-6 hours. If he keeps that down, tomorrow at noon, I can give him 2 tb. every 2-4 hours. This photo is how he looked most of the day yesterday. Or just dead asleep. No energy. He had a very traumatic trip to the vet... They clipped his back nails, but couldn't get the front ones. And he got a few shots. Today he's acting better and doesn't feel as hot when I hold him. But he acts like it hurts when I pick him up and he doens't go up the stairs as quickly as usual. Also today, I know he's feeling better because he wants to eat. Poor little man. I feel awful not giving him food when he's looking at me like "WHERE IS MY FOOOOOOOOD, WOMAN!?!?!" and Chloe is being very patient and hasn't really been bothered by the food not being out. When I set it out for her, she doens't even really eat any of it. Silly girl.

So anyway, everyone look at Jas' photo here and go "AWWW." He wants to be admired.

If you click on the photo, you can view it larger and see his little tongue sticking out a little. Awwww.


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