
It's the holiday season, for Pete's sake! Yesterday on Nabbalicious got a little heated. And and that's why I don't usually participate in those kinds of exchanges. People get riled up and start saying mean stuff and I hate that. Anyway, whatever you're driving, be it a Mini Cooper or a Chevy Suburban, just drive it safely. And I'll say this for SUVs: It would be nice to go on a road trip in something larger than a Mini Cooper. Really, the only reason I don't have one is because they cost so much at the pump. Now when they start making more hybrids of those, I'll be all over it. A related story about debating... last year at Christmas, my grandfather said something to me about politics and I just mumbled something and left the room. NOT ROPING ME INTO A DEBATE! When the county he lives in was building a new library (maybe 8 years ago), he was very upset about the money being spent on it. On a library. And he started asking all of us when was the last time we'd been to the library. I was in college. So, like, everyDAY I was at the library. Sigh. Also... be nice to your friends. It's CHRISTMAS!!


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