
More of the same or SHAKE it up? Last night when David came home from work, he walked in and said "HI!" I said hi back. I was giving myself that pedicure. Him: What's wrong? Me: Nothing. Him: OK. You seemed sad for a minute. Me: I am. Him: Why? Me: I hate everything. Can we get new carpet? Him: Yes. YAY! So today we went to look for some. As soon as we stepped into the store, I realized we hadn't brought the measurements. Why oh why do I do that? I really meant to get them. It's the reason I keep the sales brochure from when we bought the house. It's very helpful that way. Nevertheless, we chose some Berber carpet. I know. It's not going to win design awards, but what it will stand is the test of time. The carpet we have in here... originial to the house. And the house was built in 1985. Most people can't tell the carpet is that old. So we get home with the sample and I realize WAIT. It's almost the exact same carpet that we already have! Now. I really like the carpet we have. But with this malaise I've been in, do I really want the exact same thing? The sample we have -- it's a good grade and we're getting a good price on it because it's from an outlet. We looked somewhere else and something a little nicer (still Berber, but it has a diamond pattern in it. It might be a little too formal for our house), I really liked it. But I don't think I liked it $1000 more that I liked the other stuff. Whew! Tomorrow, we might go back and get some other colors. Anyone have any advice? The problem with the existing carpet is that it's OLD and grungy around the edges. It's certainly done it's job. But do I want the same thing again? Blarg. Decisions. My mom said if we really don't like it, we could change it again later. But if I'm going to spend the money now, I want to get it right. So carpet almost done and bathroom and kitchen floors to go.


Blogger Alyssa said...

Well - you know, carpet is a big thing and it can be a pain if you don't like it. Maybe there are some deeper shades of the same color - so you can mix it up a little more.

Or maybe you can get a deal on those laminate floors and you can do "wood" instead. Living in New England, I don't know if you can find a house built much later than... 1950? I haven't seen many. So we have wood floors and buy rugs.

That works out well - because between the cat, me and Deeps, the shedding is great.

4/12/2005 08:50:00 AM  
Blogger Mair said...

I vote Berber! I love Berber. Plus it's so fun to say. And agreed with Alyssa re: deeper shades.

4/12/2005 02:54:00 PM  
Blogger Jasclo said...

I think I'll go back and see what other colors they have.

I'd love to have wood floors, but I'd only settle for having the real thing, not those Pergo things. My dad says they dent easily. We've talked about doing wood. But the price is the problem.

4/12/2005 07:43:00 PM  

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