
In dreaming and sleep Most mornings, I wake up with a song in my head. It's happened ever since I can remember and my mom told me once that you know you're happy if you wake up singing. OK, I don't usually sing the songs, but hey. Close enough. So this morning's song is brought to you by the movie "Pretty in Pink," (song by the same name by the Psychedelic Furs) which was on TBS last night at 11. We were laying in bed watching it, and when it came on I probably said something like "Awwww. It's 'Pretty in Pink.'" David mumbled something. That movie is soooooo the 1980s. Watching it hurts a little. The music, the clothes, the characters. I love when Annie Potts is stapling records to the ceiling and she says she loooooooves it -- "it's just so MODERN!" hahaha. So those movies make me think of my friend Julie. We became best friends in 5th grade and we're still friends today. We're not in constant contact, but we keep in touch. For the BIG 3-0 birthday I had a few months ago, she gathered some old photos of us and made a book. Wow. Whatta history we have. It's weird when you've known someone so long that they know mostly everything about you. Anyway. Where was I going with this? Oh yeah. Waking up with songs in your head and the 80s. I forgot to mention that as the movie was coming on, I said "Aww. I wish it were Sixteen Candles." David said, "I thought this WAS Sixteen Candles." Sigh.


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