
Got my own mind, wanna make my own decisions I'm crabby and I don't want to be. Why can't I just decide that I don't want to be what mood I'm in and then just go with it? It just doesn't seem to work that way. But it should. We woke up this morning and the sun was shining. A friend called to see if we wanted to meet them at our pool. That's a great start to the day. Oh wait, I know what did it. We skipped the pool because we needed to go grocery shopping -- seriously, there's NOTHING in our fridge -- and David insisted we go to Wal-Mart. I HATE Wal-Mart. I refuse to buy produce there. Parking is a nightmare. EVERYone is there on Saturdays. And... and... and... And I turned down the pool for that?! What was I thinking? So I'm going to try something: Self! DO NOT BE CRABBY! Now go have some lunch! Ahh. Maybe that will help. I know you're glued to the computer so I'll try to make some updates as the day goes by. ** UPDATE -- Well, the computer was out for the rest of the day so it's a day later. And actually, it kinda worked. But I think it was a coincidence or something, because it usually doesn't.


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