
Why do you suppose... Anyone watch Wings? I loved that show. There was a minor character named Carlton on there for a while. He was an old man who asked a lot of stupid questions. So here's my Carlton question of the day: Why do you suppose that if I brush my teeth before I go to bed, in the morning my breathe is worse than it would be if I hadn't brushed them? And when I wake up, it's like my gums are glued to the inside of my lips. I just brush them again and it's fine. But still. I wonder.


Blogger Mair said...

Because you don't salivate and swallow when you sleep, which means whatever bacteria's left in there festers instead of getting flushed out as it would when you're awake.

Lovely, huh?

1/04/2006 07:57:00 PM  
Blogger Jasclo said...

Er, I'm so glad I asked. Thanks, Malia. :)

1/05/2006 10:46:00 AM  

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