
What up!? Hello blog. I've been avoiding you again. That's mostly because I had a couple days off work and did absolutely NOTHING and so I'm ashamed. When I say nothing, I mean I did a couple things, but mostly I watched TV. Watching a lot of TV makes me sad. And what do you do when you're sad? Yep, nothing. AKA: Watch TV. I will confess what I did. Friday night: Watched TV. Ordered Chinese food at like 9 and hated it except for the egg drop soup. You cannot go wrong with egg drop soup. Unless it's made with MSG. Saturday: David made me go to Wal-Mart to get groceries. I hate Wal-Mart. Then it rained and thunderstormed. Couch city, baby. Sunday: We met Nabbalicious to see March of the Penguins. CUTE and sad at the same time. Nabbalicious said it best. "It's effin HARD to be a pengiun!" After the movie? Yeah, well... TV. I had a LOT of DVR'd stuff to watch. Plus there was SFU and Entourage and the Comeback. Oh yeah, and David made chocolate chip cookies using my recipe, only they came out puffy. I'm still in a quandry over that one. And I'm tempted to make another batch to see if it happens to me. But then... we would eat all the cookies. And yeah, well. I ate enough of them already. Monday: David worked. I got up and went to the gym, then went to the real grocery store for produce and a couple other things. Made some soup. Watched some more TV, then went to dinner with David and he bought some shoes. I NEVER GET TO BUY SHOES ANYMORE. Oh, sorry. Did I say that out loud? Well, it's true. Of course, I haven't really needed any. And since he has only two pair of shoes -- one work pair and one pair of "sneakers," I guess it's fitting that he needs shoes more often than I do.


Blogger Mair said...

Jaaaasclooooooooo (she said whinily), I don't get the TV thing! Why not just not watch and do things that make you happy? Meep.

8/11/2005 12:15:00 PM  
Blogger Jasclo said...

Because that just makes WAY too much sense.

Seriously. I wish I knew. I need to work on that. See! Today? No TV! And I'm perfectly happy. FOR NOW. Mwa hahahaha.

8/11/2005 12:18:00 PM  

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