
Cracker Barrel Saturday morning, David and I went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast/brunch. We had the best pancake (one for me, three for him) we've had in a long time. It was thick, crunchy on the edges and as big as the plate (which is why I get only one). I should have taken a photo. It was that good. Anyway, when we were leaving the restaurant we noticed there's a lot of housing construction going on very nearby. "Could you imagine living this close to Cracker Barrel?! We would be in so much trouble," I said. "That would be like living in Las Vegas," He replied. "Except we don't really gamble. I don't like losing money." "Well, I play that claw machine." "I hardly think that qualifies as gambling." "But I put TWO DOLLARS in there! And I still didn't get that stupid monkey." "HAHA. Do you think we can still pay the mortgage?" Do you know the claw machine? Oh, you've seen it in grocery stores and Wal-Mart probably. My dad doesn't pass by one without trying to win some stuffed animal from it. So then David started trying to win stuff from them. I played along knowing he wouldn't get some silly stuffed rhino or something that I would have to stuff in closet somewhere. "Oh honey! You almost had it!" Then once when my dad was visiting, they stopped at one of those things while we were out. I said, "Oh David never gets anything from those things!" I should have kept my mouth shut because he won it, whatever it was. And now he always stops at them too. Last night we were supposed to go bowling, but I wasn't feeling well (just a little cold which WILL be gone before we go to Hawaii). He went by himself and picked up some milk on his way home. I saw something red as he walked through the door. Jesus, I thought to myself, he's gotten another freaking stuffed animal. He proudly plopped it down on the counter. "Who's that for?," I asked. "Abigail. Or maybe the new baby. I don't know." So there it sits on my kitchen counter staring at me. A red stuffed dog with "Puppy Love" written on a little heart-shaped collar. It's smiling. I think it's just mocking me.


Blogger diane said...

I was a total claw machine addict as a kid. I was awesome at getting stuff out of those. Course, that was back in the day when the claws actually grabbed the items, rather than pretending to grab and then letting go as it tries to pull the item out of the pile.

1/10/2006 11:14:00 PM  
Blogger Jasclo said...

Ha! I know. Sometimes he thinks he's got something and that claw slips right off. I laugh when that happens. :)

1/11/2006 12:30:00 AM  
Blogger Genevieve said...

I have never been able to win at those things. My cousin Lee, on the other hand? That girl won every time she played.

1/11/2006 10:36:00 AM  

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