
Smooth move I've been on a smoothie kick lately because I made a really good one last week. So the other day, I was meeting Nabbaicious for our weekly Weight Watchers meeting, then I was going on tour before work. So I made a smoothie to take to WW with me -- for after weigh-in -- because you know you don't eat or drink anything within a few hours of weighing. I also made a snack/lunch to take with me so I wouldn't be dying during the tour. I gathered all my stuff and headed out the door, but as usual I'd forgotten something. So I headed back to the kitchen to grab an apple and a snack bar for later, then went to the car. As I was driving, I was trying to figure out the logical sequence of events. I wouldn't want to carry my smoothie cup with me on the tour. So what would I do with it? Blast, I should have brought a cup I could just throw out. And what about my giant water bottle? The WW meeting is at work, so I figued I'd just drop everything at my desk before meeting for the tour. Just then I reached over to take a sip of my smoothie. But it wasn't there. I'd left it at home. After all that hard work and planning. I must have set it down when I was getting the apple and bar, then forgot to grab it again. Tears. But that wasn't the only problem. I couldn't quite remember where I'd left it and Jasper really enjoys knocking things off one particular counter. Onto the carpet. The smoothie... it was purple. There were three places it could have been. The table, the counter (both very dicey) or the kitchen island. The island is small, so he doesn't get up there and walk around much. So if it's there, it's probably safe. I say probably because you just never know with this cat. I started to freak out. Between the pollen/mold and the possibility of having a big purple splotch on the carpet, I got an instant headache. I thought about my options. I called David, the wonder husband, whose phone went straight to voice mail. Bad wonder husband. Next idea! I could skip the tour and go home to check. Or I could skip my meeting and possibly make it back in time for the tour. Or I could hand it all over to the gods and see what would happen. I was feeling lucky that day, so I just stayed with the original plan, hoping that Jasper would be sleeping and maybe wouldn't notice the nice purply goo that he could smash onto the carpet. That was around 11:30 a.m. David called when he got home around 10 p.m. "The smoothie's still there! He didn't knock it over." "Oh, thank GOD. But where was it?" "On the island." "Ahh! If I had to do such a dumb thing, at least I left it in the best possible spot." And this is what my husband says next: "So is the smoothie still good?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahaha. Oh, we love David. And good job, Jasper!

But what now about "going on tour"? You're a rock star!

4/22/2006 04:15:00 PM  
Blogger Jasclo said...

I had to save something for next time. :) Plus, I have photos. Kind of. We toured the capital in all its construction splendor.

4/22/2006 04:22:00 PM  

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